Conservative leadership debate

Conservative MP Leslyn Lewis has formally announced that she will run to be the next leader of the Conservative Party of Canada for a second time. Please consider supporting Rebel.

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Conservative Party leadership debate in Ottawa.

. The Ontario-based lawyer and now MP ran in the. Candidates took to the stage in Ottawa Thursday night for the first Conservative Party leadership debate. The Leadership Institute announces the launch of a new program to train the next generation of conservative candidates for the nations school boards.

Telling the other side of the story. Conservative leadership candidates to meet face-to-face on Wednesday for next debate Canada considering actively defending against intercontinental ballistic missiles. With this vital new program the Leadership Institute will now prepare conservatives all across America to challenge the lefts control over the nations locally elected school boards.

During Thursday nights debate Pierre Poilievre mopped the floor with his fellow candidate Jean Charest serving up one smackdown after another. Rebel News Published May 5 2022 20426 Views. May 5 500 pm EDT 483 rumbles.

Five Conservative leadership hopefuls faced off in the contests first unofficial debate Thursday night but most of the oxygen was taken up by Pierre Poilievre and Jean Charest. In just a few months Conservative Party members will take to the polls to elect a new leader.


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